We all know I can't cook, so why I volunteered to bake potatoes for our Couples Group at our Church this Thursday is beyond me. Can someone tell me the best way to prepare & bake potatoes?

I'm sure I'm over complicating the issue but I have 10 people I need to bake potatoes for. Unless you come-then I'll need more, so RSVP if you plan on attending so I know how many potatoes I need!

For today's question of the day I need your help with the following questions:

  1. How many potatoes should I get? Two for everyone or one HUGE one for each person.
  2. Is there any special way to prepare a potato? I've heard rolling them in butter or sea salt prior to baking is the way to go . . .
  3. Do I wrap them in something or leave them open?
  4. Microwave or oven?
  5. How long do I cook them for?

And finally is there anything else I need to know? Remember YOU may think it's obvious but this is ME were talking about make sure your instructions are VERY clear :O)

Thanks in advance for your help and if you'd like to join our group for fellowship, learning how to communicate with your spouse and good food, call 242-2355 to RSVP and well see you at the corner of 27 1/2 & B 1/2 Roads on Orchard Mesa Thursday at 6:30, child care is provided.

Miss the segment and need to know how to bake a potato? Listen here:

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