If you are wondering if it is okay for you to smoke in a certain area in Grand Junction here is a list of where you cannot smoke in Grand Junction: Smoking is prohibited in all public places within the city.
A subject that is again catching the attention of both employers and employees, is whether non-smoking employees should receive more time off than their smoking counterparts.
If you decide to go cold turkey while quitting cigarettes during the Great American Smokeout on Thursday, you can get yourself a free cold turkey sandwich with McCalister's Deli.
As times change, standards change, and we occasionally find ourselves bumping up against old traditions that need to retire. Even some of our most beloved childhood movies feature behavior and activities — smoking, strong language, casual misogyny — that went unnoticed and unappreciated by our older selves. Given the well-established health risks that smoking poses, one person recently took it upon himself to sue Hollywood in an attempt to get onscreen smoking banned. I’ll give a moment to guess who won.