What To Know About Grand Junction Spring Clean UpWhat To Know About Grand Junction Spring Clean UpReady or not, Grand Junction's spring clean-up is here. Zane MathewsZane Mathews
City of Grand Junction Looks Into Buying Glacier Ice ArenaCity of Grand Junction Looks Into Buying Glacier Ice ArenaThe City of Grand Junction is discussing the possibility of purchasing Glacier Ice Arena. Billy JenkinsBilly Jenkins
Grand Junction’s Holiday Grease Can Be RecycledGrand Junction’s Holiday Grease Can Be RecycledOf course, we are all recycling our plastic, aluminum, cardboard and paper, and now we can recycle all of that holiday grease.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
City of Grand Junction Responds To Snow Storm DamageCity of Grand Junction Responds To Snow Storm DamageThe Grand Junction area did not receive as much snow as many parts of the state in the recent storm, but the damage has been significant.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
City of Grand Junction: What's Open and What's NotCity of Grand Junction: What's Open and What's NotThe City of Grand Junction is slowly opening up, but there's a lot of uncertainty right now about how to transact city business.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Grand Junction Announces Closures in CommunityGrand Junction Announces Closures in CommunityThe City of Grand Junction is taking precautionary measures after the first presumptive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Mesa County by closing several facilities.Tim GrayTim GrayWaylon JordanWaylon Jordan
Improvements and Upgrades For Stocker Stadium and Suplizio FieldImprovements and Upgrades For Stocker Stadium and Suplizio FieldOne of the best things about Grand Junction is Suplizio Field and Stocker Stadium.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Time to Find Out What the City of Grand Junction Has PlannedTime to Find Out What the City of Grand Junction Has PlannedSo you've got questions and you want answers.Zane MathewsZane Mathews
Grand Junction's Redlands Roundabout Getting the Art TreatmentGrand Junction's Redlands Roundabout Getting the Art TreatmentGrand Junction's newest roundabout is about to get a brand new faceZane MathewsZane Mathews
15 Animals That Are Unlawful to Own in Grand Junction15 Animals That Are Unlawful to Own in Grand JunctionThe law in Grand Junction is very specific about what kinds of animals people are not allowed to own and have in their possession.Zane MathewsZane Mathews