Over 1,000 Colorado COVID-19 Hospitalizations for the First Time
Let's be honest ever since March things have been a bit crazy. The pandemic which no one really expected and everyone trying to do the best they can to react and stay safe. Well we have heard numbers all over the place and guidelines that have been strict then loosened up a bit and now we are going back to a more strict policy on social distancing with the 'Safer at Home' Level Orange now in place here in Mesa County.
But we are now hearing from 4 CBS Denver, that for the first time ever in the state of Colorado we have now surpassed over 1,000 hospitalizations for COVID-19. Currently, the number sits at 1,023 people in Colorado hospitals across the state this number is from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Last Thursday, on November 5th, that number only sat at 894 hospitalizations, and before that the highest total in our state came all the way back in April when the number peaked at 888 hospitalizations.
It was just last week that we also heard from Governor Jared Polis when he asked all Colorado citizens to please only socialize with people in your own household for the remainder of the month of November, in hopes that would bring numbers down across our state. He stressed that if we can change for a few weeks that could help us get our life back to normal.
Last week we did hear about two employees at the Grand Junction Police Department that tested positive for COVID-19. Please be careful and do everything possible to keep yourself, your family, and our community safe.