Now Hiring: Best Western Colorado Job Ever
Here it is, the best job ever to hit Western Colorado. If you're looking for a gig, this might just be a dream come true.
Do you love the awesome trails located around Western Colorado? Would you like to spend more time on them while earning cash? The opportunity is here.
The job in question, the Western Colorado Conservation Corps Trail Crew Leader, is a seasonal position responsible for overseeing trail maintenance duties in Mesa County. Responsibilities include technical erosion control, rockwork, tread construction, revegetation, social trail closures, and vegetation management.
You won't be totally on your own. According to Copmoba.org, the person selected for the Trail Crew Leader will work with the Mesa County Trails Coordinator, WCCC staff, Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association (COPMOBA), Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, local municipal staff, volunteers, and members of the public.
Where exactly will your "office" be located? That's the best part. According to Copmoba.org:
The WCCC Trail Crew Specialist will work on all non-motorized trails throughout Mesa County, including the three main BLM managed trail systems in the Grand Valley. 2021 work will include Forest Service managed trails at higher elevations during the summer months.
You'll notice that at no time did I say anyone was going to get rich. The pay for this gig is $20 per hour. That's actually pretty good for the valley. In addition, health insurance will kick in after 60 days of employment.

As you can imagine, there's a healthy list of qualifications and "physical demands" associated with this job, far too many to list here. A complete list of qualifications and physical requirements can be found at the Copmoba Crew Leader Position page.
I might as well apply for this. I spend 90% of my time on area trails anyway. Might as well get paid. Then again, I already have a job. If you're looking, or find yourself craving a change, this might be precisely what you're looking for.
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