More of Colorado’s Awesome & Crazy World Records
Barely a month ago a Colorado teenager set the world record for the fastest time solving a Rubik's Cube while jumping on a pogo stick. Colorado is a home to several entries in the Guinness Book of World Records. Here are a few for your consideration.
It seems the Coronavirus has brought out the desire in people to do weird and awesome things, all while setting world records. While this may be a current craze, Colorado is no stranger to setting world records.
Recently, we posted Colorado is home to the world's deepest hot springs, the world's tallest flat top mountain, and the world's largest key collection. Here are a few more you may not be aware of.
More Colorado World Records
If you are looking to set a new world record and have it documented by the Guinness Book of World Records, you'll first need to apply. How do you do this? If you're not looking to promote a product or service, all you'll need is the Standard Application. It's not a quick turnaround. It will take months to get a response, and then several more months to get a review of your attempt. Hey, what else do we have to do during the pandemic?

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