May 11 Is Eat What You Want Day, Colorado!
Once a year we can tell diets what to go do with themselves.
The date is May 11, and it's the nationally recognized eat all you want day!
Now, just in case you think I made that up to just pig out I can only say I wish I had the idea first.
For dieters that are serious about their diet regimen, this day may not make much of a difference. But to people like me who look for a reason, ANY reason to stuff my face, I can at least point to this one day and say; "It's not my fault, it was a nationally recognized day and I wanted to do my part".
I always feel kind of patriotic when I can join in on some of these national days. But when you consider other upcoming national days, you can see how having one like this would make you appreciate all of those other days.
Or is that just me?