Learn to Play Guitar + Binge New Shows During Your ‘Shut-In’
It seems Grand Junction residents, along with most everyone else, have a little downtime on their hands. Thanks to a major musical instrument manufacturer you can now make the most of your time.
Once this whole pandemic blows over it's entirely possible the Grand Valley will see a stampede of kick-butt guitarists. For the time being, Fender, the world-famous manufacturer of guitars, basses, amps, and even ukuleles, is offering free online music lessons. Free lessons are available on the Fender Play platform for guitar, bass, and ukulele.
Fender is offering this free service to the first 100,000 people to sign up at the platform. Normally, these lessons would run you $9.99 a month, or $89.99 a year. For the next three months, though, the fee will be waived. Via their webpage, Fender states:
We’re all going to be spending more time inside — so we might as well make some noise. - Fender
As someone who enjoys playing music, my plan for the next few months is to do just that, practice and learn. Unfortunately, I haven't exactly hit the ground running. Life is getting in the way, but with any luck, things will settle down very soon. Playing music is good for the soul. Fender adds, "With everything happening in the world, music has the power to connect us. We want to do our part to see you through…”
What if stringed instruments aren't your thing? You can access one of the free synthesizer apps offered by Moog and Korg.
Wow. This is awesome. First CBS All Access drops their subscription fee so we can all watch the season finale of "Picard" at no charge, and now this.
If you're experiencing cabin fever, then these free guitar, bass, or ukulele lessons are just what the doctor ordered. Who knows? After you start learning to play an instrument, you may not want to leave the house at all. You may decide to sit at home and jam all day. For the time being, Fender has your back.
When the social distancing thing comes to an end, let's unleash a barrage of monster guitar players on the valley. Start your lessons today.

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