10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Lake City, Colorado
Our tour of the great small towns of Colorado continues with the top ten things you may not have known about Lake City.
Lake City is a town located south of Gunnison. There are 350 full-time residents there, and without question, some of the most beautiful scenery found anywhere in Colorado. And if you take Slumgullion Pass, you can head to our previous small town selection, Creede. So let's take a look at our list.
Lake City Is Hinsdale County's Only Town
96% of the county is made up of public lands, meaning there are fewer roads, making Hinsdale the most remote county in the continental U.S.
Lake City is On the List of National Historic Places
With over 200 structures designated as historic, you will find plenty to see around Lake City. It was designated as such in 1978.
OMG Scenery
Driving from Powderhorn, you can take Highway 149 to County Road 50 and connect through some of the most amazing scenery you have witnessed from your vehicle. And getting into Lake City gets you an "OMG look at this" every time.
Hike Where the Views Are Amazing
Yeah. This. If you love to hike, and don't mind stopping every few minutes to marvel at the scenery around you, this is the place for you. Try the Williams Creek hike, either the short or long version and you will see what I mean.
Fishing Here is Amazing Year After Year
Anglers love this place for many reasons. No matter your fishing style, or whether you're new or a seasoned pro, you will love to fish here. Just make sure you remember there is a bag limit!
Don't Forget Your Bike
There are some amazing (there's that word again) bike trails and incredible scenery here. And it's o.k. if you don't have a bike or forgot yours. You can rent them here as well as get expert advice on trails and accessories.
Stargazing Here is Like No Other Place
Because the area is so wide open and very few artificial light sources permeate much of the county, there are some wonderful places to go to view the stars. Be prepared to wow a lot.
Huge Areas for Hunters
96% of the land in the county is public lands. And for hunters, there are a wide range of areas to hunt, as well as wildlife. You would have to try hard to have a bad experience hunting here.
No Need to Leave the Kids at Home
There are many activities children of all ages can enjoy, including a skate park and lots of recreational areas for kids to enjoy, not to mention the playground!
Winter is Celebrated Here
From ice climbing to snowmobiling to yurt rentals, there's something for everyone here. With all that open land, snowmobiling is king! And there are plenty of places ice climbers will find to hone their craft, as well as an Haute Route that brings to yert rentals that sleep up to 6 people. And, they're fully stocked.
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