How Much Money Would a Company Need to Offer to Recruit You?
I realize that this question isn't easy and might not be something that you have thought about lately, but you should. How much money would it take for a company to steal you away from your current employer?
It's obviously a very hot topic right now as many companies cannot seem to find enough qualified employees. It's so bad right now that we had a Mexican restaurant here in Colorado that shut down this month because they couldn't find enough employees to keep the restaurant open and serve their customers.
We all know that change can be difficult, especially when you've been at one place of employment for a long period of time. But if you have the chance to make 10k or 20k more than you are currently making would you be willing to take the risk for the extra cash?
Many Companies Are Increasing Salaries Right Now
You are seeing fast food companies offering $15 and $20 per hour right now to make sure they are capturing the best employees possible. There are other companies offering nice sign-on bonuses to entice employees to a new job. There is definitely a shortage of hard-working employees right now and it seems like companies are willing to pay top dollar for the best workers.
Do You Care More About Money or Free Time?
This is another question people are having to ask themselves right now. Many jobs will pay well but ask for way more than 40 hours per week. Which is more valuable to you, time or money?
It's going to be interesting to see how so many employees begin to offer more and more to entice the best employees to join their team.