Another great email from one of our listeners looking for feedback from YOU!

They say, "I have a co-worker who is late almost every day and takes an extra 15 minutes at lunch every day?  I wouldn’t care but when he is late I have to work harder. We work in a tech support center for a pretty big company and have a very small team. So when he's late I basically an extra thirty to forty five minutes a week. I really don’t want to bring our boss into it, but I’m tired of busting my chops while he’s lounging around. What should I do? They also asked us to keep their identity anonymous for fear of work place retribution so it was Signed, Stressed Co-Worker

What do you guys think they should do? Is there anyway to handle this situation without getting management involved?

Post your feedback below or give me a call with some advice at 243-3699 and listen at 8:50 to hear what others have to say!

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