Hidden Treasure: This Could Be Grand Junction’s Best Music Venue
Have you ever seen this Western Colorado stage before? I hadn't until last Saturday. This may very well be the best music venue in the valley.
Have you seen a concert event at the Western Colorado Botanical Gardens? I hadn't until a few days ago. In this case, I wasn't attending a concert event, I was playing it. When the bandleader told us we were playing the botanical gardens, I assumed we were going to be under a pop-up tent on the lawn. Little did I knew the venue has an awesome stage.
Frank Bregar's Rock N' Swing performed for the Roice-Hurst Humane Society's Spring Swing fundraiser on Saturday, May 11. They were expecting about 100 people to attend. By my estimates, they ended up getting about 250. The video below was shot during the opening of the concert, so the crowd hadn't filtered in yet.
Let me tell you, this venue is amazing. The stage is perfect. It's a large stage with ample electrical hookup, awesome stage lights, and easy loading access. Now, you probably don't care about that. You would be interested, though, in the great seating, beautiful surroundings, and an excellent view of the stage.
In my humble opinion, there should be at least two or three musical events at this stage every week. With the exception of Las Colonias Amphitheater, it's hard to imagine a better venue in the valley.
The next time you hear about a concert event at the Western Colorado Botanical Concerts, please make a point to attend. Bring a lawn chair, find a good spot, and enjoy. I think you'll agree the venue is amazing.