J.K. Rowling Announces ‘Harry Potter At Home’ Online Service
After a few weeks living under “stay at home” orders, it's easy to go a little stir crazy. There’s been plenty of time to re-watch our favorite film franchises, so now what? Luckily, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has a magical treat for all aspiring wizards and witches to be. “Harry Potter at Home” is an online portal to a dizzying array of puzzles, articles, and quizzes designed to cast a “Banishing Charm on boredom.”
The best part? According to the website, “just like Hogwarts and its staircases, this page will be changing all the time.” This means that you can return to the website in the coming weeks for a new experience each time you visit. While much of “Harry Potter at Home” is geared toward young readers, there's no age limit on having a bit of wizarding fun. Plus, the nostalgia can work wonders on adults who need something to break up their work-from-home schedules.
Rowling announced the site on Wednesday via her Twitter page (and no, it was not an April Fool's joke):
In addition to this new website, Rowling and her publishers have made the entire Harry Potter series available for teachers to use in their online classes. Additionally, you can download a Stephen Fry-narrated audiobook version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on Audible (it’s free if you sign up for a 30-day trial). In these troubling times, it’s comforting to know we have the magic of Harry Potter at our fingertips. Boredom evanesco!
Gallery — The Best Harry Potter Characters of All Time:
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