Gun Rights Groups Challenge Large Capacity Gun Magazine Limit in Colorado Supreme Court
The U.S. Supreme Court has tossed the ban on gun magazines holding more than 15 rounds, and now there is pressure for the Colorado Supreme Court to follow.
Denver7 reports that "in arguments before the state court Wednesday, the groups’ lawyer, Barry Arrington, said that since the U.S. Supreme Court has found that the right to bear arms is a fundamental right, the state has a heavier burden to prove that the magazine limit is needed".
The limit was set following the theater shooting in Aurora and the Columbine shooting, and was meant to help prevent the carnage that resulted from both events, especially since large capacity magazines were used in both incidents.
Denver7 reports that "the legal challenge brought by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and the National Association for Gun Rights is based on the gun rights’ provision in the Colorado Constitution, which expressly protects the right of people to be armed to defend their homes, property and themselves".

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