Grand Junction Store Caters to Sci-Fi Collector on Your Christmas List
Do you have a sci-fi enthusiast on your Christmas list? Do you find them hard to shop for? If so, you're in luck. A Grand Junction store offers an incredible selection of Star Trek and Star Wars collectibles, perfect for that hard-to-shop-for person on your list.
Forget about E-bay for a minute. I'm something of a Star Trek collector and have frequented E-Bay searching for that rare find. This store at 5th and Belford blows E-Bay out of the water.
R&S Toys and Novelties, located in the Menagerie Square building at 1000 N. 5th Street in Grand Junction, offers a wide selection of action figures, ships, collector's plates, and other novelties from both Star Trek and Star Wars. Of course, they offer countless other fascinating items as well. You'll find collectibles from groups like KISS, popular movies, and various other creations straight out of pop culture.
Strangely, I drive right past this store on a daily basis, but somehow never managed to check it out. Yesterday, while visiting the new coffee house right next door, I noticed the toy store's sign.
This is a fantastic way to shop local and get a first-hand view of the items which might just be perfect for someone on your list. Many are new, some are previously owned. The store's displays are fantastic, with all items easily visible and accessible.
Do you recall a few years back when I thought I was going to get rich selling off my Star Trek Christmas tree ornaments? In my opinion, they were worth hundreds of dollars each. R&S Toys has a selection of the collectible ornaments in stock. They're asking price? Between $9 and $20. Ouch.
There are a handful of other stores in Grand Junction offering Star Trek and Star Wars collectibles. Hobby Hut Models on 12th Street has an ample selection of models from both movie franchises. The same goes for The Jester's Court on Colorado. They offer gaming and figurines from both franchises as well.
Be sure to check this store out. Chances are you have either a Star Trek or Star Wars enthusiast on your list. Probably several. The new Star Wars movie is now days away from release. Anticipation is high, and fans are bouncing off the walls. Why not go with a sure thing?