Grand Junction Has Its Own Version of Monopoly

Grand Junction*Opoly has been around for at least a couple of years, but I just discovered the Grand Junction game, based on the classic board game Monopoly.
Actually, It seems like I kind of remember when this Grand Junction game first came out, but, honestly, I had forgotten all about it until I saw this post on Facebook.
The game features local restaurants Bin 707 Food Bar, Cafe' Sol, and 626 on Rood, along with plenty of other familiar places in Grand Junction like North Avenue, the Colorado River, and the Western Colorado Botanical Gardens.
Apparently, the game is kind of hard to find, possibly because it keeps selling out. One of the comments I saw on this Facebook post mentioned the Rimrock Walmart had one of the games on the shelf. I saw another post from Walmart from a couple of years ago announcing a new shipment of the game had arrived "while supplies last"'
Though I haven't played a game of Monopoly for literally decades, I can say I was never a huge fan of the game - because I stunk. I am a horrible Monopoly player and I did not enjoy going bankrupt every time I played the game. To make matters worse, the winner always seemed to be obnoxiously arrogant when demanding payment for landing on their hotel. It was infuriating and humiliating.
Somehow I feel that my fortune could change playing Grand Junction*Opoly. I probably wouldn't win, but I think it would be lots of fun to play.
You may be surprised to learn there are literally hundreds of these modified versions of Monopoly out there. According to Wikipedia, the game is licensed in 103 countries and the list of available versions is extremely long with games based on everything from movies and television shows to cities, states, and sports teams.
Some examples:
- Wizard of Oz
- Star Wars
- Indiana Jones
- I Love Lucy
- Golden Girls
- Friends
- Harley Davidson.
- Emergency Medical Services
- Elvis
- Disney
- Corvette
Some of the games in Colorado include Colorado-Opoly, Pueblo-Opoly, Aurora-Opoly, Denver-Opoly. There's even a Denver Broncos Commemorative Super Bowl XXXII edition of Monopoly from when the Broncos upset the Green Bay Packers back in 1998.
While there are plenty of towns across the country and around the world that have gotten their own versions of Monopoly, it still feels like an elite group to belong to and Grand Junction should be proud it's on the board.
KEEP READING: 10 classic board games that will take you way back
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