If Grand Junction Allows Marijuana Where Should the Money Go?
This has been a highly debated topic for years in Grand Junction. We have marijuana sales going on around us in Palisade, Parachute, and DeBeque but not in Grand Junction. There are many people that believe it should be sold in Grand Junction as we could use the benefit of the tax dollars toward our city. But what do you think the tax money made from marijuana should go towards?
The reason I bring this up is that according to KKCO earlier this week at the city council meeting the topic was brought up. There has been an ordinance in place since 2011 banning the sale of marijuana in Grand Junction. But that could be overturned, and the council discussed how the city could properly control the sale, manufacture, and creation the marijuana.
The city council sees both positives and negatives that come with opening up marijuana sales within Grand Junction. Mayor, Duke Wortmann loves the idea of the job creation and retail activity that could come with overturning the ordinance but also understands marijuana is a lot more potent than it used to be.
Our mayor continued saying that if marijuana sales become legal in Grand Junction then the city must be able to control it in a professional manner. One member of the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce spoke up saying that some of the money that would be raised from marijuana taxes could help support law enforcement so our community stays safe.
But as we all know our city could also use help with roads, just drive down North Avenue. So, if the ordinance were to be overturned where would you like the tax money from the marijuana spent in Grand Junction?