Everybody knows that housing costs in Grand Junction are ridiculously high, but when it comes to household bills, residents are paying less per month than those in at least 36 Colorado cities.

A report from Doxo Insights indicates Grand Junction residents are paying an average of $1,835 on monthly bills. That's 8.4% lower than the national average of $2,003. What is more surprising than that is the fact that Grand Junction's monthly outlay on household bills is nearly 19% lower than the Colorado average of $2,251 per month. That puts Grand Junction at #37 on the list of 48 Colorado cities that were ranked.

How Much Does Grand Junction Pay For On Monthly Bills?

Obviously, rent and mortgage are the largest monthly expenses for residents, but you might be surprised to learn that the average Grand Junction mortgage is $1,104 - compared to the national average of $1,368. Here are some other findings in the report on how much Grand Junction is spending on household bills.

  • RENT - $988
  • AUTO LOAN - $440
  • UTILITIES - $278
  • MOBILE PHONE - $146
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How Does Grand Junction Compare To Other Western Slope Cities?

According to the report,  residents in Clifton, Delta, and Montrose pay less each month on household bills than people in Grand Junction. Palisade was not included in the report.

  • CLIFTON - $1,631
  • DELTA - $1,601
  • MONTROSE- $1,633

The Doxo report looked at household expenses in more than 4,000 cities across the country. Out of the 4,276 cities in the report, Grand Junction came in near the middle of the pack at #2517. That means the household expenses in 2,516 communities cost more than they do in Grand Junction.

Colorado Cities Ranked By Monthly Household Bills

A total of 48 Colorado cities were included in a report from Doxo Insights that ranked monthly expenditures on household bills. Here is a look at Colorado's top 48.(Not all Colorado cities were studied)

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