Another great question of the day from a listener who needs your advice!

She says,

"Hey Mac I have a listener question for ya. I have recently adopted my son who is 6 years old. The last time he saw his biological mother was when he was 3. We have always welcomed her and her family to have a relationship with him and we still do. My husband and I also have another child together. When my adopted sons bio-mom's family sends cards or gifts they only send them to him. My question is: Should we require they include our other child?"

Now I'm very open about the fact that I was adopted and my response to her was:

No, I don't think you should ask them to include him, honestly I think he's lucky they want anything to do with him at all. I feel like he's blessed to have an extended family that want's to be part of his life, and asking them to acknowledge a child they aren't even related to may stop the interaction completely. I hate to say it but you need to educate your child to understand the issue and not be upset when his brother gets cards and he doesn't. Would you ask people to get him presents just because it's the others birthday? I am from an adopted family and would have welcomed any opportunity to get cards or letters from my bio family as I was growing up.

What do you think? Comment below and listen at 8:50 for more!

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