Free SAT Prep Test Being Given By The Mesa County Library
They say practice makes perfect, so take advantage of this SAT Prep Test. High School Students wanting to get into college know the importance of taking the SAT test.
The Mesa County Central Library is hosting a SAT Prep test on Saturday, March 11, 2017. This timed test will help students get accustomed to the SAT (Formerly known as Scholastic Aptitude Test) test format that many colleges in the United States use to determine a student's acceptance into their programs.
The timed SAT prep test will start at 1:00 p.m. March 11th in the Community Room at the Central Library located at 5th and Grand Avenue in Grand Junction. Seating is limited, and preregistration is required either via the online Events Calendar at their website or by calling 970-243-4442.
Students taking the test need to bring a calculator and a few No. 2 pencils. This test is free for everyone with pre-registration. The current SAT, introduced in 2016, takes three hours to finish, plus 50 minutes for the SAT with an essay.