Four Unique Halloween Events Around Colorado
We’re about seven days and 14 hours into the spooky season, which means we’ve only got 23 days and 10 hours until Halloween itself. Which is great, but given that I have no self-control, it means that I’m not going to be pacing myself in my consumption of pumpkin, haunted houses, and corn mazes over the next 27 days, and thus might not have enough Halloween spirit left once the 31st actually does roll around.
Luckily, I know myself well enough that I’ve anticipated my own folly. In response, I have scoured the internet in search of other Halloween-flavored entertainments to occupy myself and add some variety to the fall season, thus forestalling any bloodcurdling burnout. So, here’s 4 Halloween events around Northern Colorado that you can attend if you’re looking for a bit of a different experience, while still being allowed to wear a witch’s hat 24/7.
This particular event is hosted by Work of Art Greeley, a recently-opened painting studio located at 6310 West 10th St., Unit #9. They offer a host of activities year-round, including several guided paint classes, open studio days, and ‘Paint and Sip’ classes. But for this unique event, you’re invited to come and hone your skulls—I mean, skills, and make your own Yorick to grace your Halloween table. Held at 6:30 p.m. on October 26, this class will let you indulge both your creativity and your love of spookiness to whatever degree you desire.
However, maybe you’re more one to go for a spectacle as opposed to arts and crafts, in which case, this gothic show has got you covered. Performing for one night only in the Dickens Opera House (located at 3rd and Main St. in Downtown Longmont), Vertical Fusion Studios will be presenting a pole and aerial dance show, which they claim is a “celebration of beautiful death and what is to be found when there is no yesterday and no tomorrow.” There will be 2 shows, one at 5 p.m. and one at 8 p.m. on October 26, the latter which will preclude a Halloween party full of music, dancing, and entertainment. Keep in mind, Dickens Opera House advises that this show is for adults only, so maybe leave kids 12 and under at home.
Are you feeling a bit haunted-out, or are you still in the mood for something supernatural? If yes, then why not come explore the more occult side of life? Besides looking into Denver’s resident witch population on your own, this event offers a bit of history behind Halloween, a dash of astrology and meditation, and is capped off with a (predictably) vegan feast. You can join this neo-pagan potluck at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, November 1 at Reiki Thai Wellness in Arvada.
Finally, last but not least, there’s nothing that gets you in the spooky spirit like organ music, and I happen to know a certain university that has an organ hall and is ready to party hard. This is CSU’s 14th year performing its Halloween Organ Extravaganza at the University Center for the Arts, which is located at 1400 Remington St. The show includes lighting and special effects as accompaniment to classic and modern organ pieces, and yes, they will be playing that one organ piece we’ve all heard but probably didn’t know the name of—You know, the one that plays as a gothic, spired castle looms overhead, silhouetted by a flash of well-timed lightning? Yeah, that one.
So, once again, happy Halloween! Try not to drink too much pumpkin spice, though we all know that when it comes to pumpkin, the limit does not exist.
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