Dog Saves Boy With Down Syndrome Trapped in Dryer
A dog's loyalty to man knows no end.
A dog in Northern Ireland helped save a 5-year-old boy with Down syndrome after the tyke got stuck in the dryer.
Riley Gedge-Duffy climbed into the dryer, which started on its own. Unfortunately, his mother, who was home at the time, had no idea what was happening because she was busy vacuuming, so didn't hear anything.
Riley's father, Aaron, said, the family dog, a cockapoo named Teddy, "ran upstairs and basically went berserk so she knew something was not right."
"Riley was born with Down's syndrome, so he's not aware of any danger," he also said.
Teddy kept running toward the dryer, which tipped off the mother, who freed Riley.
"They could hear banging and crashing and could see his iPad going round and round," Aaron said." We suspect he was inside for a couple of minutes. She pulled Riley out and started pouring cold water over him.
The boy went to the hospital and was treated for burns. Aaron said his son could've dealt with much more severe injuries. "It doesn’t bear thinking about what might have happened if the dog had not been there,” he said.
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