Dinosaur National Monument’s Method of Gauging Social Distance
Are you struggling to maintain the mandated six-foot social distance when in public? Do you find it difficult to gauge the distance, or do you simply forget? Here's an effective way to observe social distancing guidelines courtesy of Dinosaur National Monument.
If you're like me, you've visited the grocery store and struggled to keep six feet between yourself and other shoppers. For the most part, I simply fail to pay attention to my surroundings. What's needed is a user-friendly "image" to help keep a six-foot distance between others.
Courtesy of SecretNYC, here are a handful of things that are six feet in length:
- The average household refrigerator
- Six bowling pins stacked on top of each other
- A MacBook Air charger cord
- Your high school locker
- A typical bullwhip (it seems these are six feet long... who knew?)
Those examples are helpful, but you'll probably agree, it's hard to go around picturing the length of the everyday common bullwhip. What is needed is an example that effectively conveys a six-foot distance while providing a visual image reinforcing the potential dangers on might face if distancing is not observed.
This is where Colorado's Dinosaur National Monument comes in. They posted a powerful suggestion that should prove both efficacious and horrifying.
It seems the average arm length of the common Tyrannosaurus Rex is roughly three feet. Most of these dinosaurs came equipped with two arms. Put those together, and you have a distance of six feet.
The next time you're at City Market and you find social distancing practices starting to decay, picture in your mind a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Imagine two of their stubby little arms placed end to end. There you go - that's the distance you need to observe.
When shopping I find myself failing to observe both the social distancing guidelines and the one-way markers on the grocery store floor. With this new mental image, it will be easy to remember the six-foot rule, as well as the severity of an encounter with a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Perhaps this technique will keep us on track.