Colorado Teen Wakes to Find Bear Biting His Head
A Colorado camp employee is safe and sound, although a bit damaged, following a bear attack yesterday morning.
Talk about a rude awakening. Dylan, a teen staffer at a camp roughly 50 miles northwest of Denver, woke yesterday to the sound of crunching. In this case, it wasn't the snap, crackle, and pop of a breakfast cereal. As he would soon discover, the crunching noise was the sound of a bear's teeth grinding against his skull.
The Glacier View Ranch employee was sleeping outside in a sleeping bag when the attack occurred. Dylan, 19, woke Sunday, July 9, at roughly 4 a.m. only to discover a bear was biting his head and attempting to drag him away.
How did Dylan escape? According to his own statements in the video, he punched and hit the bear, and even resorted to poking it in the eye. Others campers joined in the effort, swatting and yelling at the bear. Eventually, the bear had enough and left the scene.
The event took place near teepees where young campers were sleeping. None were injured.
How does one defend themselves when attacked by a bear? Dylan's technique seemed to work. There are, however, suggested methods you may want to add to your repertoire. Check it out.
Following yesterday's attack, wildlife officers have set bear traps in the area. They are continuing their search today (Monday) with the use of scent dogs.