Colorado Marijuana Equals ER Visits
Are we more accident prone because of marijuana? New study reveals, yes.
From the Colorado Department of Public Safety, new statistics show that we have become much more accident prone since pot was legalized.
These results, well, to put in blunt, are much 'higher' than they were before.
Since 2014, Coloradans have had to visit the Emergency Room by more than 30 per cent. These are all related to marijuana use. Hospital stays have also dramatically increased in that time for pot users. From 803 to 2,413 per 100,000.
Don't be too scared to light up though, researchers has a basic explanation for these inflated numbers:
'The decreasing social stigma regarding marijuana use could lead individuals to be more likely to report use on surveys and to health workers in emergency departments and poison control centers, making marijuana use appear to increase when perhaps it has not.'
Or to put another way, people are now much more free when talking about their pot use. The main reason is because it is legal.
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