Colorado is a great state for wildlife, but did you know our state is also home to an ever-growing list of endangered and threatened species? Colorado's endangered species list includes several animals that are also considered endangered on a national level.

Read More: Hunting Year-Round In Colorado: Licenses, Ethics, & Game Species

Keep reading to learn more about some of Colorado's more well-known endangered species and find out how you can help protect them.

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Endangered Species in Colorado

America's Endangered Species Act dates back to 1973 when select animals, fish, and plants were brought under the protection of state and federal governments to help protect them and their habitats. Colorado Parks and Wildlife assists in protecting federally endangered species, and native species considered endangered in the Centennial State.

Threatened Species in Colorado

In addition to endangered species, Colorado helps protect plants and animals considered 'threatened.' While endangered species are listed based on their likelihood to go extinct, species listed as threatened are included due to low numbers and low survival rates.

Read More: What are Colorado’s Official State Animals?

How Coloradans Can Help

Colorado residents can help endangered and threatened species by supporting Colorado's habitat conservation policies, following responsible outdoor practices, and helping to conserve water in communities within dry climates.

Keep reading to check out 19 species found on both the endangered and threatened species list in Colorado.

Colorado's Endangered & Threatened Species: 19 Animals Found On the List

Several different animals found in Colorado are listed as "endangered" by the federal government and the Centennial State. We're taking a closer look at 19 of the animals in the gallery below considered endangered or threatened in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

LOOK: Beware of the 12 Most Dangerous Animals in Colorado

Keep an eye out for the following 12 dangerous animals in Colorado. While these creatures usually go out of their way to avoid you, if you encounter one you will want to give it plenty of space. Scroll on to see each one and find out why they make the cut of the most dangerous animals in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

UP NEXT: Grand Junction Colorado Animals - Robert Grant Photos

Here's another gallery of Robert Grant photos from Grand Junction, Colorado's past. With this gallery, the focus is on animals - domesticated to wildlife, and everything in between. These images range from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Gallery Credit: Waylon Jordan

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