At one point in its history, Grand Junction's downtown area came complete with a streetcar system. While the streetcars themselves are long gone, a small, very small portion of track remains. Where will you find it?

If you've lived in Grand Junction for very long, you can probably remember several areas where tracks remained visible long after the streetcars were retired. Not that long ago Main Street, especially in the area around 7th and Main, displayed the old streetcar tracks. This, of course, is based on my memory.

With the various redesigns and construction projects in the downtown area, any remnants of the old streetcar tracks have disappeared. Unless I've missed something, I can only think of one area in Grand Junction where one can still see the old tracks. The exposed area measures only about six feet in length.

Should you like to enjoy a piece of Grand Junction history, set your course for the northwest corner of 4th Street and South Avenue, just down the road from the old train depot. There isn't much left to see, so I wouldn't make a family event out of it.

Waylon Jordan
Waylon Jordan

You'll want to keep your eyes open. The area isn't particularly busy, but there is a steady flow of commercial traffic coming in and out of the nearby businesses.

Google Maps
Google Maps

If you're new to town, make a point to check out the remaining portion of the old tracks. If you've been around the valley awhile, take one more look, if only for old time's sake. It's only a matter of time before this last little portion is gone.

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