Best Places to Stargaze on the Western Slope
It's getting to be that time of year again, when the warm weather draws us outside in the evenings and what better way to enjoy it than stargazing with your family!
We're blessed to live in an area where there are many amazing places to view the night sky. From the public areas, like Cold Shivers Point on the Colorado National Monument to the private ones in your own back yard, we wanna know the best places to view the up coming Meteor Showers:
Remember the gamma-Normids shower began February 25th and continues through March 22nd this is a 2 star rating on
Save the date March 9th for a special program to teach you about the night sky and winter constellations at Ridgeway State Park. Colorado Parks and Wildlife says,
This will be a great program for adults and children brought to you by the experts from the Black Canyon Astronomy Society. The skies are quite dark in this area of Colorado so it's a great spot to learn about the night sky. And we'll stay as long as people want. . .
For more information call 970-626-5822.
We also have the showers peaking in April:
- the Antihelion Source shower on the 1st.
- The Lyrids shower on the 22nd
- and the Pi-Puppids shower on the 24th
My favorite place to watch stars is from the Hot Springs down by Ridgeway State Park, what about you? Give your feedback below and listen for more great destinations at 8:50!