Baby Peregrine Falcon Flies Into Grand Junction Fly Fishing Shop
A Grand Junction fly fishing shop had an interesting start to their day. The first thing they did was rescue a baby peregrine falcon that flew into their shop.
Ned and Jeff at Western Anglers Fly Shop opened their door this morning and five or ten minutes later, they had their first customer come in. But their first customer wasn't a person, it was a baby peregrine falcon.
Jeff told us that the falcon flew into the shop through the front door, flew back and forth through the shop, and eventually landed on his desk. They could tell it was getting tired and once it stood still they knew that it was a baby peregrine falcon based on its markings.
Thankfully Western Anglers has tons of rubber fishing nets, which both Jeff and Ned were using to try to catch the falcon. They told us that the first time they've ever seen a bird or any animal in their shop.
Watch as Ned nets the baby peregrine falcon, gently takes it out and puts it on a trash can outside below. It seems like they handled the falcon just like a fish, nice and gentle. The baby falcon immediately flew off and perched in a nearby tree in the ally behind the shop. After a while, the falcon took off to find another great deal.
Jeff says that the baby peregrine Falcon probably came in because it probably wanted to check out all the new Western Anglers shirts and hats. Jeff said or maybe it wanted to sign up for the 8th Carpoclalypse event. The baby falcon new the event is coming up soon, on June 27th, and that it could win the contest, which is measured by total inches.
The guys at Western Anglers Fly Shop said that this was a cool way to start the day especially with everything going on. It just goes to show, you really never know who's going to fly by.