April Means Free Books For Local Kids
It's time once again to scour your garage, closets, drawers, and under the beds for children's books.
Again this year, United Way of Mesa County and EPIC (Executives Partnering to Invest in Children) are sponsoring a local book drive for children's books. Over 560,000 free books have been distributed to Colorado kids since 2013. Last year, 3,500 books were collected in Mesa County and given to local children.
This book drive is calling for new or gently used books for distribution. If you have books to donate you can drop them off at one of these locations:
*Alpine Bank Branches
*American Furniture Warehouse
*Bank of the San Juans Branches
*Bellco Credit Union
*Caprock Academy
*CSL Plasma
*Enstrom's Candy Locations
*Mesa County DHS
*Rocky Mountain Health Plans
*United Way of Mesa County
After all the books have been collected there will be a huge book giveaway on May 11 at Mesa Mall. Children of all ages will be welcome to come get books between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. at Clock Court. Then, let the reading begin.
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