Abandoned Structures Found Near Memorial for Slain Colorado Girl
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
A few abandoned structures sit right across the street from a memorial for Jessica Ridgeway, a 10-year-old Colorado girl that was tragically murdered in 2012.
The location of both Jessica Ridgeway's memorial and the abandoned buildings is in west Arvada, Colorado. Although the young girl was abducted in Westminster, Colorado, her remains were found in an Arvada park which makes it likely that following her tragic murder, this was close to the area at which she was found.

Jessica Ridgeway's Murder
The unfortunate and tragic murder of Jessica Ridgeway shook the entire state of Colorado back in 2012. The 10-year-old girl was abducted in Westminster by then-17-year-old Austin Sigg on October 5th, 2012, and taken to his home where he eventually murdered her.
Panic arose initially when the young girl didn't arrive for school the day of her abduction which was followed by an AMBER Alert and massive search. Her dismembered remains were found five days later in an Arvada park.
Later that month, Sigg confessed his crime to police, outlining how he abducted Ridgeway in his Jeep, murdered her, and left her remains in the park. Because Sigg was under the age of 18 during the time of the crime he was ineligible for the death penalty but rather received a sentence of life imprisonment.
Nearby Structures
It's likely that the nearby structures that appear to have been long abandoned were there a considerable amount of time before Ridgeway's murder as they are now quite dilapidated. Oddly, the structures are right across the street from Ridgeway's memorial and just down a hill from a rather upscale Arvada neighborhood.
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