As we get ready to wind down another summer in Northern Colorado, I'm starting to get REALLY excited for fall which for me, is my favorite season of the year.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy summer but call me crazy, once August comes rolling around, I'm ready for cooler temps and the return of routines.

As a kid, summer is a time for all fun with no school and just letting things rip. As an adult, with children, the fun factor is definitely still there and a big part of why I love summer because of all of the awesome things we get to do and have done as a family, but after a gets pretty exhausting with work, commitments and Dad duties. The return to routines is a beautiful thing.

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Living here in Colorado only enhances that feeling because last year when I moved here with my family, it was right around mid-September and while we got to do some great stuff throughout the fall, there was so much craziness from the move, we couldn't quite make it all in but this year, we can go ALL IN ON FALL, and I couldn't be more excited about that.

I've come up with 10 things I love about fall that I truly love and that I'm excited about and thought I would share them with you. Perhaps we share some of the same things we're looking for and maybe I'm leaving something out that you enjoy...if that's the case, feel free to message me with some suggestions. We're always looking for new adventures.

10 Reasons Why I'm Looking Forward To Fall In Colorado

Summer is fun but fall is much better, at least for me. Here's why...

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