Joshua Sunberg is an avid hunter and outdoorsman.

He recently dropped a series of videos (with another due to post on April 17) about shed hunting in Wyoming on Public Land.

If you're not familiar with Shed Hunting, it's a time-honored tradition in Wyoming, with many Wyomingites making it a family tradition to go out each year searching for antlers.

In this video (the first in the series) Sunberg talks about it being an unexpectedly amazing shed hunt for him.

 It took a while to figure this area out and I wasn't expecting much, but, it turned into one of my best shed hunts in YEARS. I ended up finding my biggest seven point elk shed and a few other antlers along the way.


Shed hunting is a great way to get outside and enjoy the Wyoming spring, and can even lead to some financial gain.

Many locals are looking to purchase antler sheds to be used in home decor.

The prices are determined by the pound, and the cost can be anywhere from $8-$15 a pound depending on the age of the shed and if it came from an older animal, as well as what species.

Moose paddles are rarer than whitetail deer or mule sheds, and elk antler prices can vary a lot depending on the age, color, and size.

There ARE rules and restrictions about when and where you can go shed hunting, so take a look at the regulations before you head for the hills.

In Wyoming, it is illegal to shed hunt on public land before May 1 of the year.

This led me to have some questions about this video he posted...where it says "Shed Hunting in Wyoming for Elk, Mule Deer, and Whitetail Antlers March 2021."

Thankfully I learned that you can hunt East of the Continental Divide year-round, which means that Sunberg was totally fine to be out shed hunting.

Wind River Ranch in Dubois


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