The Hubble Space Telescope has captured images of two previously unknown moons of Pluto, and you can sign a petition to name one of them "Vulcan."

Currently, the two moons have been designated "P4" and "P5." I think we can all agree those names are lame. Should one of the moons be named in honor of the birthplace of the legendary Mr. Spock? Check our reasons in favor and against the petition.

In favor: Vulcan has come to be known as the home planet of a remarkable people, the Vulcans. At one point in Star Trek history, inhabitants of the planet were called "Vulcanians." This, however, was stupid, and went away quickly. Here on Earth, Vulcan has its roots, too. Ancient mythology honors Vulcan as the God of Fire. As cool as that is, it is somewhat inappropriate for a moon of Pluto, which is a long way from the Sun, and not particularly hot.

Reason against: Let's not hurry things and blow a shot at even better opportunities for a planet "Vulcan." This has happened before. A massive letter writing campaign motivated NASA to name the first Space Shuttle "Enterprise" in honor of Star Trek. Unfortunately, that Space Shuttle was only a prototype, and never ventured into space. As cool as it was, perhaps the name "Enterprise" should have been saved for one of the later shuttles. Let's not be too hasty with "Vulcan."

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Of course, there are other options besides "Vulcan," though they aren't nearly as cool. "SETI" has asked for your input and vote for a new name for the moon. All they ask is you don't vote more than once per day, and that you do your voting by Monday, February 25th.


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