You Know You Are From Grand Junction When…
I have lived in Grand Junction my whole life and don't plan on leaving anytime soon. The valley keeps growing every year, with newcomers from Cali, Texas and everywhere in between. There are certain things you should know about Grand Junction before you dive in head first. There are also things that newcomers will never know about. Being from Grand Junction I think it's my responsibility to help out our newcomers and make their lives easier.
I'm going to take you back to the Myspace days when there was a little survey going around called "You Know You Are From Grand Junction When..." Here are some of the ones I can remember, and if you have any new ones or any I forgot to mention, feel free to share them below.
- You know which Wal-Mart Not to shop at.
- All major roads have two names.
- It's not weird to you that a letter can have a fraction.
- You never use a compass. Mountain Ranges tell you which directions you're headed.
- Although your city has an airport, you always drive to Salt Lake or Denver for flights.
- The term "Devil's Kitchen" doesn't intimidate you.
- You know why Clifton Village South is not somewhere you want to live.
- You miss the Cow on 12th street.
- The name Gay Johnson doesn't offend you or cause you to blush.
- You drive around all night looking for a corn maze that may or may not exist.
- Your kids have gone trick-or-treating as skiers because it's so cold they need a coat.
- Your favorite 4 days out of the year are Country Jam.
- You know not to go to the pool on free Wednesdays.
Do you have any other Grand Junction idioms? Let us know below.