Will This Homemade Mosquito Repellent Really Work For 80 Days?
Pardon my skepticism, but I can't help but seriously wonder if this homemade mosquito repellent will really work for 80 days. In fact, I have my doubts about it being effective for one day. But, you never know.
I noticed the other day there are a few early mosquitos buzzing around Grand Junction and found it quite annoying. So, I was interested this week when I saw this homemade recipe for mosquito spray online.
I saw this recipe posted on Facebook ( so it MUST be true!) and, at the very least, I thought it was very interesting. Look at these ingredients.
- Big bottle of (blue) cheap mouthwash
- 3 Cups Epsom Salt
- 3 cans stale cheap beer
The directions say to mix those three ingredients together until the salt is dissolved and then spray it where you set outside. It claims that it will not harm plants or flowers.
The writer says he heard about it on a Paul Harvey segment years ago and claims he's used the mixture for 15 years, keeping mosquitos away for 80 days at a time.
Of course, the most disturbing thing I read is that he/she sits outside in their underwear all the time at night, but that is completely beside the point is. Even in their underwear, they are saying they don't get bitten by mosquitos.(Maybe the mosquitos were frightened away by the sight.)
I would sure love it if someone in the Grand Junction area would give this mosquito repellent concoction a try and then let me know if it works. It has been my experience that anything that sounds too good to be true, usually isn't.
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