The Reasons Why These Out-of-Staters Moved To Grand Junction Colorado
When you stop to think about it, you realize that everybody has a story.
The more people I meet, the more I realize the Grand Junction community is a blend of transplants and natives. I think it's safe to say that most of the people I know personally are not originally from Grand Junction and many of them came here from other states. I'm always curious to know what brought them here.
People Are Moving In and Out of Colorado
Here is an interesting factoid. According to, Colorado is one of the top states people moved to in 2021 - and it's also one of the top states people moved away from. Colorado ranked #5 in the nation of states people moved to and #7 on the list of states people moved away from.
Why Do People Move To Another State?
There are four primary reasons why people make a move. According to, 34% of people who moved in 2021 did so for family reasons, 26% made a move because of their career, 20% wanted a lifestyle change, and 20% moved for economic reasons.
When asked about secondary reasons for moving, 45% of people who moved in 2021 said they were looking for a lower cost of living. Another 43% wanted to live somewhere with a better culture, while 39% moved for political reasons. Other leading factors that contributed to Americans moving to a new location included lower taxes, better weather, and climate change.
I can think of a lot of reasons why some people want to come to Colorado including recreational opportunities in the mountains, professional sports teams, recreational marijuana, and great western Colorado weather. Of course, sometimes it truly does have to do with things like jobs and family.
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