This sign can be spotted at Grand Junction's Las Colonias Park, just east of the recently opened dog park. What is the city planning?

Early Sunday, October 25, only hours before the blizzard or whatever that was hit Grand Junction, I paid a visit to the dog park at Las Colonias. Just east of the park you'll find this sign.

I made a call to the city and asked about the project. According to the representative with the city, an application has been submitted for the development of six (previously four) structures totaling 23,000 square feet. According to the representative, these structures were to become "small retail or restaurant sites."

According to the City of Grand Junction's website, the Development Projects page states:

Request approval to develop six structures totaling approximately 23000 sf at the Plaza in Las Colonias Business Park in a PD (Planned Development) zone district.

If you figure a total of 23,000 square feet divided among six structures, you get an average of 3,833.333 square feet per unit. Personally, I don't think of 3,844 square feet as all that small. Have you ever lived in a 3,833 square foot house?

The webpage adds the project, designated SPN-2020-422, "Las Colonias Plaza Development," had its application submitted on July 24, 2020. The webpage also states the workflow is already 20% in progress, with a "Review Comments" scheduled for tomorrow, October 27, 2020.

I'm a big fan of Las Colonias Park. The amphitheater has been a blessing. Don't even get me started on the dog park. That addition has been a revelation. It will be interesting to see how this new plaza unfolds.

Check out these 50 fascinating facts about dogs:

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