What Does Colorado Have in Common with the Alamo?
It seems Colorado has something in common with the historic Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. How can this be considering San Antonio is 1,065 miles from Western Colorado?
The state of Colorado saw a little snow last night. It wasn't here in Western Colorado, unfortunately. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal in the second week of December. Considering the awkward start to the season, it turns out this is news worthy.
More news worthy is the fact the Alamo experienced a decent snowfall itself. Check out the video courtesy of KOAA 5's official Facebook page. According to Current Results, San Antonio does see snowfall from time to time, specifically .4 days per year. How much snow? A whopping 7/10 of an inch.
It seems Colorado can feel really bad now. Our ski resorts are struggling to open, meanwhile tourists at the Alamo are getting dumped on. Is this going to change for Western Colorado? According to the National Weather Service, we can expect sunny skies and warm temperatures clear into the upper 40's well into next week.