Watch Your Favorite Radio DJ Compete In The Annual Grand Junction ‘Men In Heels’ Race
It took not only bravery but a strong pair of ankles and a lot of duct tape. Watch KEKB's morning guy, Keyes, along with his teammates, tackle this grueling course-in high heels.
It was the 8th annual Men In Heels race downtown Grand Junction last Thursday. This fun and wild event supports Hilltop's Lattimer House.
Well, KEKB along with its sister stations 95 Rock, Kool 107.9 and Mix 104.3 put together an all-star team including me, Zane Matthews, Jack Taylor, Ray Michaels and Brandon Thomas.
Admittingly, the results were not what we were hoping for (we lost), BUT we did have fun, the crowd was awesome and the event raised a lot of money.
BONUS VIDEO: Grand Junction Ghost Video