WATCH: Another Artist at Work Painting Grand Junction Utility Boxes
Have you seen the various "utility boxes" around town painted with regional themes? Who's behind this? Check out this artist in action.
A week ago I posted photos of a local artist at work on Horizon Drive. You may or may not agree, but I find the artwork far preferable to an old, grey utility box. That artist's name was Josh Anderson.
Since then I've spotted several other similar artworks around town. It seems these artists are working in conjunction with the City of Grand Junction, Commission on Arts and Culture.
I looked into the matter a little deeper. This practice is not uncommon. After conducting a search, it was learned the community of Westfield, Massachusetts, has an amazing program such as this. Aspiring artists are encouraged to apply for the program.
The Utility Box program is designed to encourage community engagement and beautify the neighborhood. The artwork must be suitable for viewing by all ages and will be reviewed prior to selection. - Westfield On Weekends
Check out the post below. This is local artist Pavia Justinian. The fixture she painted is located at Horizon Drive and G Road.
Thank you City of Grand Junction, Commission on Arts & Culture for giving me this opportunity to bring public art to my hometown!- Pavia Justinian