WANTED: Grand Junction Woman Wants Your Toilet Paper Rolls
Got TP? Don't throw away that little tube at the center. Right here, right now, that thing is is in high demand. A Grand Junction woman wants your toilet paper rolls.
I am assuming she wants the little cardboard tube thingy that you'll find a the center. Strange requests show up from time to time on this local website, but this one is really unique.
Last month a woman posted on Next Door asking for help retrieving her kids' trampoline. That windstorm we had about a month ago picked it up and deposited in on the opposite side of Unaweep Avenue.
Today, it's something completely different. An Orchard Mesa resident wants those little tubes at the center of the toilet paper. Here's the scoop:
Okay... I can see that. I used to make binoculars out of the little tubes at the center of the toilet paper roll, but this sounds even cooler. I'm curious how a Hot Wheels garage can be constructed from TP rolls.
For the record, this post is meant purely in fun. It was a bit shocking to see someone requesting such a thing on this website. In any event, this sounds like an awesome project. So, with that in mind, let's get lots of toilet paper rolls to this person. It's safe to say everyone, or at least most everyone, has some. A Hot Wheels garage is always cool, but imagine what she could come up with a whole TON of toilet paper rolls.
Thanks for your participation. Sorry, but we have the big commercial dispensers here at the station, otherwise we'd run some by.

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