This Grand Junction Restaurant Sign is Food For Thought
It's hard to believe, but it's already June. The weatherman says temperatures are going to be in the upper 90s this week. With that in mind, a local restaurant put this sign in their window.
Welcome to Colorado. A friend from Colorado Springs came to visit over the holiday weekend. They had to leave early Monday in order to get home before the snow hit. Meanwhile in western Colorado, we were getting sunburns while working in the yard. Hot weather is officially here, and it's important we use our heads. Please don't leave your pets in a hot car.

Important Reminder
The sign above can be spotted at Golden Corral at 1100 Independent Avenue in Grand Junction. In my opinion, it serves as a very important reminder.
According to the National Weather Service, Grand Junction can expect temperatures to hit 96 this week.
My Boo Boo From a Few Years Ago
How hot is 96? Take a look at the photo below. This is what happens when you put your hand around a scalding hot piece of black metal when it's 97 degrees in Grand Junction. That's right, it was only 97 degrees.
I'm the genius who decided to do a set up pull-ups on a chin-up bar located outdoors in direct sunlight. This was a couple of years ago, right about this time of year. I give you my word - I touched the metal ahead of time to make certain it wasn't too hot. It seemed fine. My hands were in contact with the metal for a grand total of about 15 seconds.
How Hot is 96?
If this can happen in a matter of seconds, imagine what it would be like to be locked in a car with the windows up for 45 minutes to an hour.
Using the temperature calculator at goodcalculators.com, information was entered to determine the temperature inside a car when it's 96 outside. Given an elapsed time of 45 minutes, the temperature inside a car would ultimately reach 135.5 F.
It's been a weird year. We've all been extremely busy. In my mind, it's still early spring. It's a bit shocking to discover we're at the point where temperatures are going to be lingering in the upper 90s.
The sign above says a lot. As much as they want to go for a ride, my dogs are going to have to stay home in air-conditioned comfort while I run into town. It's just too hot.
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