Seven Things to Do When You Forget Someone’s Name
Am I the only one that sometimes forgets people's name as soon as they meet them? Don't worry, I have seven ways to can find out what it is before the end of the conversation!
I was meeting with one of my listener's mom the other day, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what her name was.
So, I asked her daughter if her mom spelled her name weird. She said "No, it's spelled 'T-e-r-r-y'."
Voila! I got the answer without making a complete fool of myself!
Here are seven things you can do to figure out a name you can't remember:
- Ask them to put their number in your phone.
Ask them to put their number in your phone. 1Ask them to put their number in your phone.
- Ask for their email address.
Ask for their email address. 2Ask for their email address.
- Introduce them to a friend.
Introduce them to a friend. 3Introduce them to a friend.
- Ask them how to spell their name.
Ask them how to spell their name. 4Ask them how to spell their name.
- Get their business card.
Get their business card. 5Get their business card.
- Ask the meaning of their name
Ask the meaning of their name 6Ask about the meaning behind their name.
- Compare driver's license photos
Compare driver's license photos 7Compare driver's license photos
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