Kate Baines-Lyman of Colorado Springs shared a video with News5 from the early morning of July 7th. A mountain lion is seen casually strolling by her front door and through her neighborhood in Oak Valley, just north of Centennial Boulevard.
After months of hype and controversy, the big night is finally upon us. The red carpet has been rolled out, the votes have been cast, and host Jimmy Kimmel has rehearsed all his best Matt Damon jokes. At last, the 89th Academy Awards have arrived.
The world is still steamed about the devastating death of Cecil the lion, so why not get a look at some other lions that will put a smile on your face?
Walter Palmer, the dentist from Minnesota who allegedly bribed park rangers in Zimbabwe to let him hunt and kill a beloved and protected lion, has released a public statement in which he denies any intentional wrongdoing but also expresses regret for his actions.