Have you seen this person? Okay, the photo isn't much to go on. Someone is stealing American Flags from homes in Orchard Mesa. Can you identify the suspect?

The Mesa County Sheriff's Office Public Information Officer released the following statement today via NextDoor:

We are currently investigating the theft of American flags from 3 homes in the Orchard Mesa area overnight Thursday. This morning deputies took a report of USA flags stolen from three different homes on the 2800 block of Newport Cir. The flags had been mounted on the side of the homes on a flag pole.- Mesa County Sheriff's Office via NextDoor

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The photo at top was captured at 1:45 a.m. on Friday, July 20. Obviously, the photo isn't exactly Sears Portrait Studio quality. The suspect is believed to be:

  • white male
  • roughly 20 years of age
  • average height
  • thin build
  • last seen wearing shorts and a cutoff shirt

If you remember seeing anything that evening or have any information regarding the case, please contact the Mesa County Sheriff's Office at (970) 242-6706. You can also share information while maintaining your anonymity by contacting Mesa County Crime Stoppers at 241-STOP.

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