Should Grand Junction Police And Mesa County Sheriff’s Have Body Cameras?
Would you like to see Grand Junction police officers and Mesa County Sheriff's deputies wearing body cameras while on duty? Looks like money is the main issue.
For the past few years, this issue has always come up. The need and want for body cameras for local law enforcement versus the cost of the program.
In this article from the Daily Sentinel, it explains in more detail why neither Grand Junction or Mesa County are equipped with cameras.
Grand Junction Police Chief, John Camper, stated the department already has a body camera policy written up and that the cost of the equipment is "fairly manageable." The problem is finding the money for the managing, cataloging and distribution of all that footage. Some one has to handle all of those duties.
The Mesa County Sheriff's Department also stated that finding those funds is an issue "we only have so much money to go around." The MCSO is also dealing with an elevated crime rate which takes resources away from other needs.
I believe that every police officer and all law enforcement in general should be fully equipped with body cameras. We have seen how it can be beneficial in sorting out what actually happened at a crime scene, identifying criminals and even diagnosing improper behavior from law enforcement officials. It's a win-win.
So, what can we do? A lot is asked of us citizens when it comes to taxes, charity donations, food drives, and all of those worth while organizations (well, maybe NOT taxes).
It may not be easy, but couldn't we come up with some sort of fund raising event that would help out our own law enforcement? The men and woman that put their lives on the line every single day for our safety?
It would have to be a helluva bake sale. If you have any ideas, please share them and maybe we can put something together.
BONUS VIDEO: Grand Junction Ghost Video