A very disturbing video reminds us how dangerous icy roads can be. This should serve as a gigantic red flag for all of us to drive with extra caution during this frigid weather - and to take care not to engage in distracted driving.

In this video, we see a driver lose control of his vehicle on an icy road - with catastrophic and disastrous results. We don't know if the driver was distracted, or simply lost control on the ice. We also don't know if anyone in the vehicle survived the ensuing crash, but based on the carnage, it is highly doubtful.

Life is precious, and we never have a guarantee of our next breath. We should live life to the fullest, cherish each moment, and never lose sight of how fragile and fleeting our lives are. Never again will I ever think that this couldn't happen to me.

Let's all be extra careful during this icy, snowy time. Let's do our best to not become a holiday tragedy that will forever change the feeling of the holidays for our loved ones. Let's all resolve to never never text and drive, no matter how short the message.Ladies,  don't try and apply make up while  you are behind the wheel. It's not worth it. Let's keep our eyes and attention on the road - not on the kids in the backseat, the dial on the radio, or the sandwich in the to-go sack.

We remind you - this video is disturbing - but it sends a powerful message.


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