Remembering The Horrific Colorado South Canyon Fire 23 Years Ago
On July 2, 1994, what started out as a small and non-threatening fire turned into one of the most horrendous incidents in Colorado firefighting history. The South Canyon Fire.
That's when 14 firefighters got caught and trapped by the fire when it took a very fast and unexpected turn. They all perished.
With the number of fires we have had here in the Grand Junction area and wildfires statewide, we have to remember all the brave men and women that put their lives on the every time they go out on a call. Knowing that they might not make it back.
Here are the names of the firefighters lost in the South Canyon Fire. Let's not forget:
- Kathi Walsleben Beck
- Tamara Jean Bickett
- Scott Alan Blecha
- Levi Brinkley
- Robert Browning Jr.
- Douglas Michael Dunbar
- Terri Ann Hagen
- Bonnie Jean Holtby
- Rob Johnson
- Jon Kelso
- Don Mackey
- Roger Roth
- Jim Trash
- Richard Kent Tyler