Wearing a seatbelt is the law of the land in Colorado, but there are plenty of reasons why people don't buckle up.

Wearing A Seatbelt Saves You Money

Of course, there are some good reasons why you should wear your seatbelt on Colorado roads. One reason is that buckling up can save you money. Recently, 60 Colorado law enforcement agencies and the Colorado Department of Transportation teamed up for the first "Click It or Ticket" campaign.  The result was 932 citations for seatbelt violations across the state - with a fine of $65 for each violation.

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Wearing A Seatbelt Saves Lives

An even better reason for wearing a seatbelt is the fact that it could save your life. A sobering statistic from 2021 is the fact that 232 people -friends, neighbors, moms, dads, children, grandmas, and grandpas- who weren't wearing a seatbelt perished in motor vehicle accidents on Colorado roads.

Most Colorado motorists seem to be wearing seatbelts, though usage in Colorado is below the national average. According to CDOT, seatbelt usage in the state is 86% - compared to the national average of 90%.

What is Colorado's Seatbelt Law

In Colorado, the seatbelt law is a secondary enforcement law which means drivers can only be ticketed for non-seatbelt use if they are stopped for another traffic violation. The law is different for teen drivers. The law requires drivers under the age of 18 and all passengers to wear seatbelts. In this case, it is a primary enforcement, meaning teens can be pulled over for not buckling up.

15 Laughable Reasons Not To Wear A Seatbelt In Colorado

While there are at least two good reasons for wearing a seatbelt, some people can come up with a myriad of reasons not to buckle up when they are behind the wheel. Here is a look at 15 semi-laughable reasons not to wear a seatbelt in Colorado.

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